Cyber-security is in high demands owing to recent data breaches and information loss. Therefore, it is appropriate to consider the risks of cyber-security as a blessing in disguise. It has not only open new avenues for the business organizations operating in the sector Information Technology. But also, have brightened ample career paths for individuals and professionals working in data security.
The recent Global Risks report issued by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in 2015 made a very blunt analysis of the today’s security situation related to data insecurity.
The report has stated that major big giant organizations are highly prone to the threat of data loss. Therefore, it has identified that around 90% of companies and organizations are working without proper data security strategy or fragile methods to secure data.
Is your security system fragile enough to be breached easily? Have you seen high profile data threats in the past? professionals in information security Dubai can help you to maintain a strong safety highly resistant to cyber breaches. Consider all available option but don’t miss this opportunity.
Further, other surveys released by the “Center for Strategic and International Studies” have shown the statistics of spending made on data security every year. Around $400 billion is expended across the world to secure data centers annually.
Recently, Forbes magazine has shown a rapid increase in the job opportunities for cyber security professional in future. It is expected that declared that job opportunities cyber-security field will rise around dollars 170 billion in the next five years.
Further, the US World News report reveals that cyber experts are expected to get higher salaries in coming days standing at six-figure payment packages.
Presently, more than hundreds companies have experienced heavy losses owing to frequent breaches in data centers. Owing to an increase in such incidents, companies are more inclined to hire cyber-security professional to secure their assets.
It has opened the golden gates of opportunities for IT professional. Not only this, the salaries of cyber experts are relatively higher than other professionals in the field of information technology.
Many retail companies and multinational organizations are paying more attention towards intangible assets such as information and data owned by the company. Further, the imposition of GDPR by European Union has created a consciousness among big business organizations to get the services of qualified cyber-security companies.
given a shock to the companies dealing in online business and money transactions. Further, other hazards of cybercrimes have created security concerns among the people.
According to the European Network and Information Security Agency reports, more than 200 business organizations in Dubai were drilled from 29 different places to be hacked. However, expert managed security services Dubai helped to keep it safe from potential breaches.
The shocking fact is that all these organizations were related to ecommerce and money transaction businesses. However, the negative impact of cybercrimes remains the same, but it has a ray of hope for the smart people. Yes, technology can be used positively and negatively simultaneously.
Therefore, threats of cyber-security have led the start of technology exploration in order to learn more to secure a network or data centers used by organizations. People are seemed more inclined towards getting certifications related to information security.
It goes without any doubt that cyber threats are increasing with every passing moment. Therefore, a right strategy to deal with the issues of information safety from hackers is a must for every individual and organization.
Have you got a fair idea about why is it important to maintain cyber-security within your organization? It is essential to realize the fact that information security is posing grave threats to the integrity of business organizations in Dubai. Therefore, managed services should be sought to ensure the safety of organizational information systems.